AUSA’s Army Matters Podcast
AUSA’s Army Matters podcast amplifies the voices of the Total Army – one story at a time. Join hosts LTG (Ret.) Leslie C. Smith and SMA (Ret.) Dan Dailey every other Wednesday as they interview the modern chroniclers of the Army experience to discuss inspiring leadership stories, current issues faced by soldiers, and our military families’ journeys.

Wednesday Jan 17, 2024
How a Bus Crash Improved the Lives of Countless Veterans
Wednesday Jan 17, 2024
Wednesday Jan 17, 2024
While stationed in Germany in 1980, Dr. Rory Cooper was hit by a bus and paralyzed from the waist down. Responding to his condition, he decided he would devote his life to helping veterans and disabled individuals worldwide through the invention of new wheelchair technologies. Host SMA (Ret.) Dan Dailey and guest co-host LaSherryn Duncan sit down with Dr. Cooper to discuss the impact of his Army experience, the numerous inventions he and his teams have overseen, his receipt of the National Medal of Technology and Innovation award – and what it’s like to be one of only a handful of inventors to have ever been immortalized with a collectible trading card AND appear on a Cheerios box…
Guest: Dr. Rory Cooper, Founding Director and VA Senior Career Scientist, Human Engineering Research Laboratories, University of Pittsburgh
AUSA’s Army Matters podcast can also be heard on Wreaths Across America Radio on Monday at 8 pm Eastern You can find Wreaths Across America Radio on the iHeart Radio app, the Audacy app, and the TuneIn app. Search the word Wreath.
Donate: If you are interested in supporting AUSA’s educational programs, such as this podcast, please visit
Feedback: How are we doing? Email us at
Disclaimer:AUSA’s Army Matters podcast primary purpose is to entertain. The podcast does not constitute advice or services. While guests are invited to listen, listeners please note that you are not being provided professional advice from the podcast or the guests. The views and opinions of our guests do not necessarily reflect the views of AUSA.

Wednesday Jan 03, 2024
Can Uncle Sam Become a Gen Z Hero?
Wednesday Jan 03, 2024
Wednesday Jan 03, 2024
Matthew Weiss had a successful business career but wanted more, so he gave it all up to join the Marines. Curious as to why so few of his Gen Z cohorts were doing the same, he did some research for a better understanding and developed it into a book titled, We Don’t Want You, Uncle Sam. Hosts LTG (Ret.) Leslie C. Smith and SMA (Ret.) Dan Dailey sit down with 2LT Weiss alongside 1LT Charlie Curtis to discuss the traits of Gen Z, how the Army can do a better job of appealing to them, and how veterans may have the biggest role to play.
2LT Matthew Weiss, Author of We Don’t Want You, Uncle Sam: Examining the Military Recruiting Crisis with Generation Z
1LT Charlie Curtis, U.S. Army Recruiting Command
AUSA’s Army Matters podcast can also be heard on Wreaths Across America Radio on Monday at 8 pm Eastern You can find Wreaths Across America Radio on the iHeart Radio app, the Audacy app, and the TuneIn app. Search the word Wreath.
Donate: If you are interested in supporting AUSA’s educational programs, such as this podcast, please visit
Feedback: How are we doing? Email us at
Disclaimer:AUSA’s Army Matters podcast primary purpose is to entertain. The podcast does not constitute advice or services. While guests are invited to listen, listeners please note that you are not being provided professional advice from the podcast or the guests. The views and opinions of our guests do not necessarily reflect the views of AUSA.

Wednesday Dec 27, 2023
Get Inspired by Army Matters
Wednesday Dec 27, 2023
Wednesday Dec 27, 2023
AUSA's Army Matters podcast amplifies the voices of the Total Army – one story at a time. Join hosts LTG (Ret.) Leslie C. Smith and SMA (Ret.) Dan Dailey every other Wednesday as they interview the modern chroniclers of the Army experience to discuss inspiring leadership stories, current issues faced by soldiers, and our military families’ journeys.
Our co-hosts are:
LTG(R) Les Smith: bio
SMA(R) Dan Dailey: bio
Recommendations for future topics are welcome via email at
AUSA’s Army Matters podcast primary purpose is to entertain. The podcast does not constitute advice or services. While guests are invited to listen, listeners please note that you are not being provided professional advice from the podcast or the guests. The views and opinions of our guests do not necessarily reflect the views of AUSA.

Wednesday Dec 20, 2023
The Creative Minds—and the Experiences—Behind Call of Duty
Wednesday Dec 20, 2023
Wednesday Dec 20, 2023
Call of Duty is one of the largest ever video game franchises; one of the reasons for its success is its attention to detail—which is thanks to the military veterans behind it. Hosts LTG (Ret.) Leslie C. Smith and SMA (Ret.) Dan Dailey sit down with Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III creative director, Dave Swenson, and military consultant, Mitch Hall, to discuss the just-released game sequel, talk through how gaming can help relieve stress for those deployed—and to compare notes on their favorite games of all-time (hint: Pong and Mike Tyson Punch-Out may be mentioned).
And, in a special year-end segment, some of our recent guests give shout-outs to Army members who have helped them along the way.
Dave Swenson, Creative Director, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III, Sledgehammer GamesMitch Hall, Military Consultant, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III, Sledgehammer Games
AUSA’s Army Matters podcast can also be heard on Wreaths Across America Radio on Monday at 8 pm Eastern You can find Wreaths Across America Radio on the iHeart Radio app, the Audacy app, and the TuneIn app. Search the word Wreath.
Donate: If you are interested in supporting AUSA’s educational programs, such as this podcast, please visit
Feedback: How are we doing? Email us at
Disclaimer:AUSA’s Army Matters podcast primary purpose is to entertain. The podcast does not constitute advice or services. While guests are invited to listen, listeners please note that you are not being provided professional advice from the podcast or the guests. The views and opinions of our guests do not necessarily reflect the views of AUSA.

Wednesday Dec 06, 2023
Games, Esports and the Army Way
Wednesday Dec 06, 2023
Wednesday Dec 06, 2023
Over the last decade, Esports has grown into a billion-dollar business, with gamers and fans all over the world. Tapping into this popularity is the Army’s Esports Call of Duty team; these Soldiers not only go up against other gamers—they also spread the word in that community about their lives as Soldiers and the benefits of service. Hosts LTG (Ret.) Leslie C. Smith and LaSherryn Duncan sit down with SSG Randy “Deja” Ojeda and SSG Stephen “SteveOWalle” Waller to talk about the benefits of gaming, how they balance gaming with their daily work—and how they came up with their unique nicknames.
SSG Stephen Waller, U.S. Army
SSG Randy Ojeda, U.S. Army
Donate: If you are interested in supporting AUSA’s educational programs, such as this podcast, please visit
Feedback: How are we doing? Email us at
Disclaimer:AUSA’s Army Matters podcast primary purpose is to entertain. The podcast does not constitute advice or services. While guests are invited to listen, listeners please note that you are not being provided professional advice from the podcast or the guests. The views and opinions of our guests do not necessarily reflect the views of AUSA.

Wednesday Nov 22, 2023
How Does a Wreath Symbolize Freedom?
Wednesday Nov 22, 2023
Wednesday Nov 22, 2023
Every December, thousands of volunteers from around the country place wreaths on millions of graves of fallen servicemembers—in cemeteries across the United States—thanking each one individually. This initiative was started by Morrill and Karen Worcester in 1992; from there, it has grown to include an annual event, a radio station, an educational guide and more. Hosts LTG (Ret.) Leslie C. Smith and guest host LaSherryn Duncan sit down with Wreath’s Executive Director Karen Worcester and Education Liaison Cindy Tatum, a Gold Star mother, to discuss the creation of the organization, the importance of remembering each and every fallen servicemember, and how people in Maine refuse to say their “R”s.
AUSA’s Army Matters podcast can also be heard on Wreaths Across America Radio on Monday at 8 pm Eastern. You can find Wreaths Across America Radio on the iHeart Radio app, the Audacy app, and the TuneIn app. Search the word "wreath."
Guests:Karen Worcester, Wreaths Across America Executive Director
Cindy Tatum, Gold Star Mom & Wreaths Across America Education Liaison
Donate: If you are interested in supporting AUSA’s educational programs, such as this podcast, please visit
Feedback: How are we doing? Email us at
Disclaimer:AUSA’s Army Matters podcast primary purpose is to entertain. The podcast does not constitute advice or services. While guests are invited to listen, listeners please note that you are not being provided professional advice from the podcast or the guests. The views and opinions of our guests do not necessarily reflect the views of AUSA.

Wednesday Nov 08, 2023
No Tall Tales from this Tall Medal of Honor Recipient
Wednesday Nov 08, 2023
Wednesday Nov 08, 2023
In 1963, LTG (Ret.) Robert F. Foley graduated 497th in a class of 504 students at West Point Academy. Only a few years later, however, he was valiantly saving his battalion’s troops in the middle of the Vietnam jungle. That act of bravery earned him the prestigious Medal of Honor, the first of countless highlights over his 30-plus years in service. Hosts LTG (Ret.) Leslie C. Smith and SMA (Ret.) Dan Dailey sit down with LTG Foley to discuss his book Standing Tall: Leadership Lessons in the Life of a Soldier, his experiences in Vietnam, how an old friendship saved him in Korea, and how he was serenaded by his troops for falling into a well.
Guest:LTG (Ret.) Robert F. Foley, Author of Standing Tall: Leadership Lessons in the Life of a Soldier
Book Review: A Vietnam Medal of Honor Recipient Shares Leadership Lessons (HistoryNet)
Donate: If you are interested in supporting AUSA’s educational programs, such as this podcast, please visit
Feedback: How are we doing? Email us at
Disclaimer:AUSA’s Army Matters podcast primary purpose is to entertain. The podcast does not constitute advice or services. While guests are invited to listen, listeners please note that you are not being provided professional advice from the podcast or the guests. The views and opinions of our guests do not necessarily reflect the views of AUSA.

Wednesday Oct 25, 2023
So You’re Now an Army Parent. What Should You Know?
Wednesday Oct 25, 2023
Wednesday Oct 25, 2023
Every month new enlistees around the country begin Basic Combat Training. And while it’s grueling and hard for them, it often also is for their parents at home in other ways. Dealing with a wide range of emotions can be difficult – especially for those with little-to-no knowledge of how the Army operates. Hosts LTG (Ret.) Leslie C. Smith and SMA (Ret.) Dan Dailey sit down with Air Force parent Hilari Luck, who oversees the new Our Community Salutes: Connect program, and Army parent Kim Norris, to discuss the emotions they went through – and are currently experiencing – as new military parents, how the Connect program is helping parents and enlistees, and how parking tickets led to both parents’ children deciding to serve their country.
Guests:Kim Norris, New Army ParentHilari Luck, Our Community Salutes: Connect
Donate: If you are interested in supporting AUSA’s educational programs, such as this podcast, please visit
Feedback: How are we doing? Email us at
AUSA’s Army Matters podcast primary purpose is to entertain. The podcast does not constitute advice or services. While guests are invited to listen, listeners please note that you are not being provided professional advice from the podcast or the guests. The views and opinions of our guests do not necessarily reflect the views of AUSA.

Wednesday Oct 11, 2023
Talking with a Living Army Legend
Wednesday Oct 11, 2023
Wednesday Oct 11, 2023
Starting from very humble beginnings in the segregated south, LTG (Ret.) Arthur Gregg rose through the ranks in his thirty-plus year career to become the Army’s first-ever African-American, three-star General. He blazed the trail for generations of soldiers and officers, and his accomplishments were honored earlier this year with the renaming of Fort Lee to Fort Gregg-Adams. Host LTG (Ret.) Leslie C. Smith sits down with the 95-year-old LTG Gregg to discuss how he went from medical lab technician to a top Army general, what it was like serving in the time of segregation, and how it felt to see his name on one of the Army’s top bases.
LTG Arthur Gregg, U.S. Army Retired
Donate: If you are interested in supporting AUSA’s educational programs, such as this podcast, please visit
Feedback: How are we doing? Email us at
AUSA’s Army Matters podcast primary purpose is to entertain. The podcast does not constitute advice or services. While guests are invited to listen, listeners please note that you are not being provided professional advice from the podcast or the guests. The views and opinions of our guests do not necessarily reflect the views of AUSA.

Wednesday Sep 27, 2023
How to Use Instagram to Become a Better Leader
Wednesday Sep 27, 2023
Wednesday Sep 27, 2023
When a rumor circulated around Fort Drum, Command Sergeant Major (Ret.) Mario Terenas took to Instagram to dispel it, racking up tens of thousands of responses. That led him to realize the power of the social media platform to really connect with his soldiers, making him a better leader in the process. Hosts LTG (Ret.) Leslie C. Smith and SMA (Ret.) Dan Dailey sit down with CSM (Ret.) Terenas to discuss Instagram, the story of his abandonment at age sixteen, how to become #mountaintough… and how cleaning toilets can develop leadership skills.